Sunday, October 7, 2012

TIB Rough Draft

While Facebook is great to have all your friends in one place, and you can quickly find what there up to, but it’s also a place where there are so many of your so called “friends.” While all of us have those friends on Facebook we know from school but we wouldn’t actually spend more time with them then we have to. There are actually a select few off of our total Facebook friend list that we spend a lot of time with. While scrolling through my timeline there are a few people that just clog up my news feed with silly pictures or status updates that we all know no one cares about. For me there are really just a few people that I care to see what they are up to. For all the rest of them I honestly don’t care what high score you got on some game or this random page you liked. Facebook randomly seems to pick and choose what it thinks it wants you to see, and it tends to show you some things from certain people and not other things from that same person.
The reason I love Facebook so much is that it is so convenient being that my best friend lives 8 hours away so by getting on Facebook I can easily see what she’s up to. I can see all of her new friends and it feels I can experience a small part her life. Even being hundreds of miles apart, I still can communicate, connect with her, and it is all easy to find in one place. Between messages, chatting, and commenting on pictures, we can keep up with each other and stay in touch. Without Facebook keeping in touch with her would be much more difficult.
“Creep” is a word that has definitely changed since Facebook has gone so global. Before Facebook “creep” was a word that tended to be a little sketchy and make some people feel a bit uneasy. Now everyone is guilty of creeping on Facebook. Half of the point of Facebook is for people to find others and look at all there pictures and everything on their profile, to “creep” nonetheless.
However it’s also crazy how Facebook has changed the definition of what a “friend” is.  Who would you consider your “friend”? Are all your Facebook friends your actual friends? When you look at all the friends you have on Facebook, how many of them would you call up to hang out with? Probably not many, I know most of my Facebook friends I’m really not that close to. And when you look at all these people who have a couple thousand friends, it makes you question how they a) know that many people and b) be close to that many people. Most likely they couldn’t be that close to all of them, I would be surprised if they were close to half of their Facebook friends.

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