Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Music Video Snapshots

She is crying over the loss of her boyfriend.

They used to be inseparable, spending so much time with each other
She is sick to her stomach over his death, and her mom is also so upset at her daughters loss.

She is chasing after him, after he leaves.

They were very much in love with each other.

She is lost without him.

Seeing his empty seat in class is killing her.

They were young lovers.
She is very depressed over his death.

She is going to visit the site of his crash, where a cross now lays.

These photos show a great description of the video and its full meaning. Just with these snapshots alone it is easy to tell what is going on in this video. Some of the pictures you can clearly tell she is very upset and crying over the death of her boyfriend. It is easy to tell that both of them were very much in love with each other and she is heart broken when he is gone. In one picture it is clear that she is so upset that, she is over the toilet, puking, because she gets sick to her stomach and her mom is just as heartbroken seeing her daughter so upset. Her mother is on the floor outside the bathroom in tears at the thought of how upset and depressed her daughter is.When she is chasing after his car, she is wishing she could go back in time and stop his car. When she gets to the site of his crash she just wishes all this heart ache could be over and he could be back in her life. Overall, with just these 10 snapshots the message that Rascal Flatts were trying to make is well made. It is easy to understand the overall message they were trying to convey.

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