Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Speech Preparation Outline

Kendall Barber                                              Section 17
Tittle: Where would my life be without it?
Attention Catcher: Its hard to believe that years ago people didn't use technology the way we do today.
Listener Relevance Link: These days everyone uses computers.
Speaker Credibility: I have been using a computer for as long as I can remember.
Thesis Statement: I couldn't imagine my life without my computer...
Preview: ...for many reasons.

Transition: First off, I use my computer for the...
I. Internet
      A. I can quickly and easily access Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
                     1. I can keep up with friends
                     2. Watch the latest hit on YouTube
      B.  I can look up anything with Google
                     1. Anything I need to know is literally a few key clicks away
      C. Find where something is and when their open
                     1. finding restaurant locations
                     2. finding store locations
                     3. easily find information on different businesses
      D. Email
                     1. Can contact anyone quick and easily
Transition: Not only is my computer great with accessing the Internet but it's a lifesaver when it comes to my schoolwork
II. School
      A. Assignments
                    1. All my assignments are located online and easy to fine
      B. Upcoming Tests
                    1. All test dates are online
                    2. For some classes past tests and study material is online
      C. Contact a professor
                    1. If I'm ever confused on homework I can send them a quick email
      D. Research
                    1. The whole web to use research is faster
                    2. Easier than looking things up in books
      E. Microsoft Word/ PowerPoint
                    1. I can easily start on a paper and save it
                    2. Send my papers or projects to my teachers
Transition: When I'm not using my computer for school work I also love it to listen to music and look at pictures
III. Music/ Pictures
      A. Pandora
                    1. Can listen to any station
                    2. Personalize it by my favorite songs or artists
      B. Buy Songs
                    1. quickly and easily download my new favorite songs
      C. Organize all my pictures
                    1. All my pictures are located in one place
                    2. Can organize them by events or dates
Transition: In conclusion, my computer keeps me organized and everything is in one place
Restate Thesis: Without my computer, my life would be so much different.

Summary of Main points: Overall my computer makes my life so much easier with access to the Internet, my school work and my pictures and music.

Clincher: Its crazy to think how different my life without just this one piece of technology.

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