Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is Google Making us Stupid?

It’s kind of scary how true some of the things in this article are. It’s so easy for us just to Google something we don’t know. We can literally learn just about anything at the touch of a button. Instead of having to research things in one book after another we can just get on the internet and find it out in a matter of minutes. “Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes.” It’s the luxury that we have become a custom to, which has now made us lazy. We don’t have to work as hard to find things out, we know we can find it out fast, and we expect it to. If we don’t find out what we need quick enough we get annoyed and frustrated. But on the other hand if the article we find online is very long we tend to get bored with it and start to lose focus on the content of the article. So it’s hard to believe that we read more nowadays then we did in the 1970s and 1980s, however it’s normally text messages or online social media. As Maryanne Wolf states, “We are not only what we read, we are how we read.” This is true; as we use more slang, poor punctuation and grammar we will start writing like that all the time and may not ever realize it. Overall Google is, in a way, making us stupid.

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