Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reality TV

I have never been a huge advocate for reality TV. I would occasionally watch it if it happened to be on, or if someone in my family had it on, but I have never been one of those people who watch the new episode every week and plan my day around it so I was free and ready to watch the latest reality show. When the so called "reality" shows are not so realistic, then why is it called "reality" TV? That is a question that many people tend to ask. Is it that people want to be like the people on the shows? Or is it more just for enjoyment or a little humor here and there? While many people watch what Snookie did during her latest night out on Jersey Shore or what crazy things the Kardashians have gotten into on Keeping up with the Kardashians, many people tend to just watch it for a past time. While both of these shows, and many others, go into the category for "reality TV" there isn't anything realistic about partying every night or living in LA with money to blow on whatever you please. If people stopped and thought about the message some of these shows are telling some of the younger generation, it would be a bit concerning. Most of the reality show are scripted and strategically planned out so it works out the way the producer wants it to and will get high ratings. If there were shows that were actually realistic to someone’s everyday life they wouldn't be as popular or get near the ratings that some of these other shows have. Therefore, they configure it in a way that the audience will enjoy it and keep coming back for more. So, I can see the appeal that some of these reality shows bring, but I think most people understand that the “reality” shows are not realistic in the slightest; people just watch them for personal enjoyment.

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